Lois D. Brown
Once a Washington, D.C., news reporter, Lois D. Brown is now a novelist who writes mysteries set in the West. Before discovering her passion for fiction, Lois completed a bachelor’s in journalism and master’s in communications. She started a freelance business, during which she worked as the chief editor to former New York Times best-selling author Dr. Neil Solomon. She has also co-authored a book on time management with former Miss America Sharlene Wells Hawkes. Eight years ago, Lois D. Brown published her first novel, a young adult book that became a top five finalist of The Kindle Book Review’s “Best YA Indie Books of 2012.” An obsession researching unique legends found in the Western United States led Lois to appear on television shows such as “Myth Hunters: The Curse of Montezuma’s Gold” and “America Unearthed,” a series which aired on the History Channel. After becoming a self-appointed mythologist, Lois wrote Robbed of Soul—an action/adventure mystery set in the rugged red hills of Southern Utah. It became her first book in a series that intertwines reality and legend so well it’s hard to know where one ends and the other begins.
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