Jun 10, 2021 | Books, Lee Matthew Goldberg, New Releases, Sneak Peek
Grenade Bouquets(Runaway Train 2) Lee Matthew Goldberg #GrenadeBouquets Available Now About Grenade Bouquets I had stars in my eyes and I couldn’t see around them… The year is 1995 and my parents finally allowed me to take the summer to tour in a VW van...
Apr 1, 2021 | Books, New Releases, Rick Polito
Off TrailRick Polito #OffTrailBook Available Now About Off Trail A laugh-out-loud coming of age story of one teen’s preposterous experience in a wilderness therapy program. Daniel grew up in the shadow of his older sister, the brash, self-assured, and utterly reckless...
Mar 4, 2021 | Books, Lee Matthew Goldberg, New Releases
Runaway TrainLee Matthew Goldberg Available Now #RunawayTrainBook About Runaway Train They told me I was an out-of-control train about to crash… Everything changed when the police officer knocked on the door to tell me – a 16-year-old – that my older sister...